Honors Alumni Q&A with Tommy Newton SAS '22
Chat with Honors Alumnus Tommy Newton, a third-year PhD student at Columbia University in the Integrated Program for Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies.
Tommy graduated from Rutgers as an SAS honors scholar in 2022 with a major in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and was an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Wei Dai's research lab.
At Columbia, Tommy works under the direction of Dr. Alexander Sobolevsky, who utilizes structural and biophysical methods, such as cryoEM and electrophysiology, to study the structure, pharmacology, and function of AMPA-type ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) and their modulatory auxiliary subunits.
All majors/careers are invited to get advice on how to be a competitive applicant for PhD programs and preparing for the application cycle.
Pizza will be served. Seats are limited. RSVP at:
Read more about Tommy on his Honors Alumni Spotlight:
Friday, September 20 | 4:00 PM | College Ave. Campus
This will count as an HC outside event.